Somatic Psychotherapist
Awaken your Inner Temple Course
Awaken your Inner Temple - 9 week exploration of your Chakras
Harness your sacred energy system to master self-healing and empowerment

This is a transformational, in-person, 9 week inner exploration. Discover the ancient wisdom of the chakras: the network of sacred energy centers in your own body to cultivate self-healing and empowerment. This course is for anyone wanting to explore your energy body, get to know your shadow self, work with the unconscious and harness your body wisdom to step into your full potential.
The group will meet for 9 weeks from 12th March to 7th May 2025. Each week we focus on one chakra and learn how this energy center manifests your reality. Learn how to sense, balance and charge your energy body and how your psyche, body and unconsicous work together. Use this personalised wisdom to heal trauma, break repetitive patterns of behaviour, being and relationships and transform your life into one of joy and spontaneity. Classes are experiential and include a combination of teaching with bioenergetic exercises, guided visualisation, self-exploration and interaction with the group.
The course is facilitated by Jo Schaeffer who is a somatic psychotherapist. Her 30 years of experience working with individuals, couples and groups, grounds this offering of a personally tailored, self-empowerment program. Individual applications required for admission.
Course fee is $55/week. Total $495 payable weekly or $450 if you pay total upfront.